This page contains links to astronomy websites of interest, including astrophotography, astronomy calendars, astronomy and space news, light pollution, meteor showers, eclipses, and more. These links are provided by Sea and Sky as a courtesy to our visitors in an attempt to make these resources easy to find and use. By clicking on the links below, you will leave the Sea and Sky site. Sea and Sky is not responsible for the content of these external sites. Problems with these external links should be reported to the Sea and Sky administrator.
Astrophotography | Astronomy Calendars | Astronomy & Space News
Constellations | General Astronomy | Light Pollution | Meteor Showers
Solar & Lunar Eclipses | Messier Objects | Star Charts
Astrophotography by Bob and Janice Fera
An astrophotography site featuring images by Bob and Janice Fera. Features a photo gallery of the Solar System, comets, nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters.
Bill Snyder Astrophotography
Astrophotography site featuring a large collection of photos taken with the Apogee 8300 and Apogee U16 CCD cameras. Also images observatory images and several interesting links to other Astronomy related sites.
Catching the Light by Jerry Lodriguss
An astrophotography site featuring galleries of astronomical photographs, astrophotography tips and techniques, stories, observations, and humor.
Imaging the Deep Sky by George Greaney
Deep sky astrophotography by George Greaney. Features a gallery of digital and film images of deep sky objects as well as tips and information about astrophotography.
RBA Premium Astrophotography
Astrophotography site featuring extensive photo galleries and digital astrophotography tips and techniques with information about equipment, locations, tools, and more.
Russell Croman Astrophotography
Astrophotography site featuring images of the solar system, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and wide field, equipment information, and resources.
StarryWonders Astrophotography
Astrophotography site featuring an image gallery of star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies, as well as tips and information about the astrophotography hobby. Astronomy Calendar
A calendar of celestial phenomena for this year and many years to come. Features a searchable database of events for both casual observers and serious amateurs.
Sea and Sky's Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events
Sea and Sky's astronomy calendar featuring dates and times for upcoming celestial events. Find moon phases, planetary events, solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, conjunctions , comets, and more.
Live Science Space News
Get the latest news, articles and videos on space news, astronomy, space exploration, NASA, our solar system and the universe.
NASA News and Features
NASA brings you images, videos and features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get updates on missions, watch NASA TV, read blogs, view the latest discoveries, and more.
Skymania is a website that aims to bring a selection of key news stories about latest developments in space science, written in clear English. They also offer helpful tips and advice for amateur astronomers including how to choose and use a telescope.
Get the latest outer space and science news, NASA information, watch space flight videos at View exclusive solar system Images, latest astronomy news and more.
Spaceflight Now
Space news site specializing in space flight news. Includes current news, ongoing missions, upcoming launches, and archived articles.
Space news site featuring daily coverage of the business and politics of the global space industry.
Universe Today
Universe Today is a news site featuring daily space and astronomy news, reporting on the Universe since 1999.
The Constellations and Their Stars
Brief information on both stars and constellations, including the sun. Features definitions of constellations and a list of the 26 brightest stars in the solar system.
The Dome of the Sky
An online planetarium site showing views of the stars and constellations at different latitudes and different dates through the year.
Hawaiian Astronomical Society Constellations List
Hawaiian Astronomical Society page featuring detailed information, maps, and images about all 88 constellations.
Sea and Sky - The Constellations
Discover the constellations, the pictures in the sky. Learn about the stars and other amazing objects that can be found within the 88 known constellations we can see from Earth.
Bad Astronomy
Bad Astronomy is the official website for world renowned astronomer, Phil Plait. The Bad Astronomy web pages are devoted to airing out myths and misconceptions in astronomy and related topics.
Cloudy Nights
Cloudy Nights is an amateur astronomy site that features telescope reviews, photo galleries, articles, message forums, and classified ads.
Cosmic Diary
Cosmic Diary is an astronomy blog that features articles on a variety of astronomy and space topics including space exploration, the Solar system, exoplanets, and space science.
Professor Astronomy
Professor Astronomy is an astronomy blog is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation. The site features articles on a wide variety of astronomy and space related topics.
Sea and Sky's Astronomy Reference Guide
Discover the fascinating and rewarding hobby of Astronomy. These reference guide pages feature a wide variety of information, references, and useful tools for the amateur astronomy hobby.
The Spacewriter's Ramblings
The Spacewriter's Ramblings is an interesting astronomy blog that features news and musings about astronomy, space science, science writing, and a few other things.
Visual Astronomy
Visual Astronomy is an astronomy blog that features astronomy tips, tricks, news, and observations. The site contains articles about a wide variety of astronomy and space topics.
Dark Skies Awareness
The goal of Dark Skies Awareness is to raise the level of public knowledge about adverse impacts of excess artificial lighting on local environments and help more people appreciate the ongoing loss of a dark night sky.
International Dark Sky Association
Official site of the IDA, a non-profit member organization that teaches others how to preserve the night sky through factsheets, law references, pictures, and web resources.
Light Pollution Map
An interactive light pollution map. This detailed map uses NOAA/EOG overlays for accurate data and is zoomable to any local area of the world.
American Meteor Society Meteor Shower Calendar
This Official AMS page lists all major meteor showers for the current year and many future years. Also includes the phase of the Moon and other relevant information.
EarthSky's Meteor Shower Guide features a meteor shower guide with dates and information for the current year as well as photos of meteors submitted by the site's visitors.
Meteor Shower Flux Calculator
This amazingly useful site will calculate the number of meteors per hour that can be seen from a wide variety of locations for over 40 annual meteor showers on any given night of the year. This site requires Java to run. You may have to tweak your Java security settings to get the applet to run properly. contains photographs of both solar and lunar eclipses, as well as detailed instructions on how to photograph eclipses, eclipse observing tips, eclipse eye safety and more.
NASA Lunar Eclipse Website
This is NASA's official lunar eclipse page. It contains maps and tables for 5,000 years of lunar eclipses and includes information on eclipse photography and observing tips.
NASA Solar Eclipse Website
Official NASA solar eclipse page. It contains maps and tables for 7,000 years of eclipses and includes information on eclipse photography, observing tips and eye safety information.
2MASS Messier Image Gallery
A photo gallery of all 110 Messier Objects from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) at IPAC.
SEDS Messier Catalog
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) features a complete catalog of all 100 Messier objects with images and detailed information about each object.
Sea and Sky's Messier Catalog
Sea and Sky's Messier Catalog features listings of all 110 Messier objects along with images, common names, location information, and visual magnitude.
Universe Today Messier Catalog
Universe Today features a Messier Catalog with listings of all 110 Messier objects along with images, detailed information, and observing tips.
Google Sky
Google Sky is a visual interactive map of the sky that allows you to view celestial objects, including stars, constellations, galaxies, planets and the Earth's moon.
Sky Map Online
Sky Map Online web app provides free, printable & interactive sky charts for any location, time and viewpoint. It shows the night sky stars up to magnitude 12, planets and DSO.
Features quality sky maps (star charts) for skywatchers, educators and publishers. The Evening Sky Map is free each month to download in PDF format. Find constellations, planets, and comets.
Your Sky Interactive Planetarium
Your Sky is an interactive online planetarium of the Web. You can produce maps in the forms described below for any time and date, viewpoint, and observing location.
NASA Sites | Space Travel | Space Exploration | Celestial Objects | Earth Observation
Astronomy Sites | Astronomy & Space Art | Astronomy & Space Publications
Space Image Collections | Telescopes & Observatories | ETs & UFOs